Creative Travel Plan
In Time We Travel
Exploring Exotic Locations
About This Website
Dedicated to Discovering Intriguing Locations
Creating The Concept
Having spent much time in Thailand over the last 10 years I have become aware of many places that are not listed on regular web promotion and info brochures— or at least get fleeting or general mention. Visiting these locations may not be for the faint hearted as often you might feel you are stranded with no transport or even a possibility of no room for the night.
I would like to share with others on how to get to amazing places and what you can see and do, and how to survive when off the radar.
But first a little about who I am:
An Australian who has lived and worked in a climate somewhat different to this SE Asian heat and humidity to which I am constantly drawn. Being married to a Thai who has family and friends that she enjoys time with when we are in her homeland, allows me the ability to investigate localities that intrigue me and inspire a writing project that is nearing completion and will be available soon.
Although I enjoy travelling with my family and friends, every chance I get I will endeavour to escape by myself to explore in depth locations that give opportunity to meet with the locals and look further in discovering treasures that lie beyond immediate observation.
Often when by yourself, locals and fellow travellers will be more enthusiastic in relating to a stranger.
Also, you can choose to spend longer time at a particular place or change plans and schedule without consultation with only yourself to placate.
I would still agree that organised tours to the most touristy locations can be lots of fun and take the pressure off the sometimes tedious task of sorting out where to stay and for how long. Where to go and what to see and how to travel without hassle.
I will gloss over these main attractions quickly and you can to move to the explore pages as soon as you are ready.
When the time arrives to come alive and get to see beyond the major tourist locations, I hope the clues and tips on these pages might just get you there…
—and possibly…
TAKE CARE if travelling by yourself,
…except for the millions of friendly Thai’s who are so willing to assist and welcome you.
Keep the Sunshine with you…
Doug McConnell

On a visit to Baan Silapin-The Artists House
Or Start With
The One Below

Thailand Travel
Food choices are extensive with selections for every taste
Present Day Ferry at Samut Sakhon

Fiction Research Mission
Continue to Creative Diary
Disclaimer- It's my umbrella.
The following accounts though based loosely on actual locations and events, the characters are fictional as also are the ensuing events. These mysteries are fictional and while every caution is considered in avoiding cultural appropriation, it is the writer’s imagination and umbrella under which “these events,” are observed and confounded. It is in no way that I expect any culture to accept the views or stories, though it is their choice to be entertained or not— or embrace or discard the concepts
All experiences within which the characters interact are depicted from their point of view and as such limited to their understanding of situations they encounter.
The Lotus Ponds

“I will send my rickshaw to collect you at five thirty tomorrow morning. You will be dropped off at the entrance to the Lotus Ponds. Please don’t be late as the blooms emit an intoxicating aroma on first opening. I trust you will solve the riddle of the tangled paths in a timely manner.”
Ferry for "The Crossing"

During my travels I encountered the quaint ferry with its direct crossing to Baan Laem Station in Samut Sakhon. It provided inspiration for access to strange events in “The Singapore Stone” story. It no longer operates and has been replaced by a newer one that on disembarking requires a longer walk to the station.
Creative Travel Plan
Great Ideas In Travel
Beyond Time Restraints